Currently feeling: Melancholic
Currently listening to: Black Horse And The Cherry Tree – KT Tunstall

I’ve been away. Not literally.
Just have been dealing with some issues that have been lingering around me.

And also because the internet connection here has been terminated.

Pojie left last Sunday.
Yamin did so too, last Friday.
I didn’t know it’d be this sad.
I mean my tears were overflowing that Sunday morning.
Classmates for six years.
Housemates for one.
Wah, damn depressing isn’t it ?

I guess what happened is inevitable.
I guess I don’t handle people leaving very well.

People always leave.
(Peyton Sawyer, One Tree Hill)

Peyton reminds me so much of the sister.
She (the sister) thinks it’s a sign that she should get her hair permed.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, they say.
Yeah, right.

I wouldn’t mind a slumber party.
You know, the kind where I can talk about anything to my girlfriends, do each other’s nails and have pillow fights.

Hey you, I wished I had more nights like these with you.
You know, the kind where we can just sit together, hold hands and cuddle, and do nothing.
We don’t always need to have a plan or know what we want to do to be happy, right ?

Something is bloody wrong with my mouse.
And why the hell can’t I burn DVDs anymore ?

My eyes are tearing. Pedih.
I think it’s because of me overloading on mascara lately.
You know, to give the impression of wide peepers and cover up the fact that I have been losing on sleep and crying too much.

Oh, oh how could I have forgotten, I went to this waterfall last Saturday. I believe it was called Chilling or something. Chilling baby, how cool of a name is that ? Hee.



The guys went on and on complaining on how shallow the water had become due to the recent logging activities in the area. The water was filled with sand. It (the water) used to be up until over their heads, apparently.
But hey, that’s a good thing for me, okay ! Haha.
We had yummy barbequed chicken. Hee.
Ah, sad.
It’d probably be the last time that I’d ever see those people. I mean I won’t be seeing them for quite some time after this.

Okay, enough rambling this time.

I’ve got some serious thinking to do.


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