Currently feeling: Okay
Currently listening to: Something To Believe In – Aqualung

I turned 24 last Sunday.

My darling Gombak people took me out for dinner at TGIF the night before.

The girls.

The guys.

The sister. Kiss kiss.

Happy birthday to me !

I had such a good time with all the eating, chatting, laughing and singing ! Thanks a whole lot you guys !
Thanks for the gifts, the dinner the cake, and the awesome company.

Oh oh, guess who came later that night…

Sunshine !

My housemates got me a yummy cake.
Thank you Pojie, Yamin, Ina and Atia.

A blurry me and a happy Yamin. Hee.

We took more pictures but since Pojie wasn’t wearing her tudung that night, I can’t upload them here.

Thanks to everyone who remembered. Thank you for all the calls and messages.

These are some random pictures.

This was taken on my birthday.

Looky that !

These are from Cha’s birthday two weeks ago. We were at Murni, SS2.

I feel that I did badly in all my papers so far. Sad, okay.
I wanna graduate on time !
Sigh, just one more to go.
Wish me luck, people !


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6 Comments on twenty four.

  1. The picture with Feli holding the chicken….is that the half eaten piece of chicken I atttempted to eat later, just to find in surprise that it was nibbled by some unknown person ?? LOL

  2. mel, happy belated birthday..! ^__^ smoga pjg umur murah rezki, diberkati dan bahagia dunia akhirat.. wish u all the best! ^__^

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