Currently feeling: Melancholic
Currently listening to: Never Again – Justin Timberlake

Good morning people.
The lack of updates here is due to the current hectic and exhausting situation of my final semester.
It’s all about cases, day in day out. Case report, case clerking, case discussion, case presentation ! Argh.
Every day by the time I get back from school, I’d be lying ‘dead’ on my bed for a couple of hours. But then after that it’s back to work again la kan. Sigh.
But I’m very grateful for where I am right now and I won’t change a thing about anything.
I’d just have to grin and bear it for now.

Last Saturday, my faculty organized a futsal tournament and I was one of the so-called cheerleaders for my class teams. We only had a few hours of practice the night before and along with our unattractive pom-poms (Zana calls them anorexic pom-poms), we performed and lost. Hee.

During cheer practice. Hehe.

The ‘cheerleaders’.


With Zana.

The male team. They were good, but unfortunately they lost.

Zana, Yamin and I.

Halmy ! I think he secretly wanted to be in the cheerleading team. Hee.

Ayu, Zana and Juju.

Half of the girls’ team. They won second place yo !

Yus will be getting engaged later.
I have a wedding to attend tonight.
It feels good to be home. Even for awhile.

This semester is teaching me (and the rest of my classmates) to be more patient and stronger I guess. I think we’d be dealing with a whole lot more in the working world.

Gosh, this song is so sad.


Until my next boring post, take care everyone.


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