Currently feeling: Cold
Currently listening to: Memories – Eisley

Okay so I concede.
Shopping does lift your spirits up sometimes.
I don’t do much of it but when it happened (not so) recently, I have to admit it was a pretty delightful experience.
Thank you.

As I have mentioned previously, my class organized a Meta Analysis Workshop last weekend and I was one of the speakers.
Initially I was pretty hesitant about the whole thing because I wasn’t familiar with the topic. And as usual, I was lazy. Heee.
But since I’ve already agreed to do it, and people were counting on me, it was my responsibility to at least try.
It wasn’t that bad, Alhamdulillah.
In the words of Prof. Zaki, “That was good. I was impressed.”
Bangga okay. Haha.

I had to skip classes yesterday as Daddy, Marc and I had to attend a hearing pertaining to Mummy’s property etc.
Even though I got a bit emotional during the hearing ( ), Alhamdulillah, things went well for us.
It felt good to see Daddy looking so relieved.

I had a medical abbreviations’ test just now. I think I only answered 3/4 of it. I can’t believe I forgot what PTH stands for. Heee.

I have another test this Friday.
And a presentation.

So yeah, I haven’t had time to sit down and blog.
Or do my usual Facebooking or Friendstering.


Wish me luck people.


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