My menses is three days early and I have no idea why.
This does not normally happen to me.
Hello ovaries, are you okay ?
I’m a bit worried because it’s more like spotting and since I am certain that I am not pregnant, spotting before a period could be a sign of uterine fibroids or polyps, ovarian cysts or cervical or uterine cancer.
Mintak dijauhkan. Ameen. 🙁

As written in my previous entries, I have been unwell since Saturday.
I had to take the whole day off yesterday just to recharge.
Sleep is the best medicine.
I’m healthy and happy now. Alhamdulillah. 🙂

Well except for the spotting. 🙁

I received my first pay from the hospital on Monday.
I have still been receiving my salary from JKWPKL since I left Hospital Putrajaya.
There’s a quite a difference between how much I have been receiving there and what I just received this month.
The Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) is less here because it’s a district hospital.
I wonder whether they took into consideration that most of the things and food here are more expensive than in Kuala Terengganu when they reduced it.
And RM500 will be deducted from my pay until November to pay back the ‘extra’ money JKWPKL has been paying me all this while I have been here.
RM500 is a lot ok !
In a nutshell, I am more or less broke for the next six months. :'(

Marc had his convocation yesterday and it sucks that I could not be there. 🙁
I am so sad that I did not get to witness my little brother up on stage with his robe, receiving his degree scroll AND the Vice Chancellor’s Award ! 🙁
Awesome lah kau !

My best friend Sal (my beautiful hantaran maker) will be getting engaged this Saturday, InshaAllah.
After all that she has done for me for my engagement and wedding, I am a bit disappointed that I have not done a single thing for hers apart from calling her every now and then to check on her.
I am hoping to do the best I can to be there for her this weekend.


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4 Comments on spotting.

  1. hey mel.. i dun mean to give u false hope (or scare u), but spotting is also a sign of pregnancy. and from MY experience, it was true! i thot i got my period early, and it turned out to be.. well.. hehehe.. u can google up on ‘implantation bleeding’. whatever it is, have a checkup. abnormal spotting cud be a good news or another. but i wish everythg will b ok 4 u..dun worry.

  2. Azrin: Hehe thanks dear, I know about implantation bleeding and that’s why I wrote above that I am certain that I am not pregnant. But everything’s ok now. Menses flowing as per normal. Hehe.

    Aizamin: Thanks Aizamin, I’ve got my period flowing normally now. Hehe.

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