Currently feeling: Stupid
Currently listening to: There’s Hope – India.Arie

Okay so today is one of those days where I feel like slapping my own brain outta my head.
My first day at Selayang Hospital was okay. Alhamdulillah. I didn’t have any sad flashbacks or anything of that sort. But then again, we weren’t brought to the wards yet. Will be, tomorrow though. So yeah, after getting back from the hospital at about 2 pm, I decided to go to the post office as someone sent me a a parcel or something and I need to go pick it up as soon as possible. So, I took two buses there. It was only when I have reached there, I realized that I didn’t have my IC with me. Stupid kan ? Macam mana nak ambil if tak ada IC weyh ! You feel like slapping my brain too, right ?
To add salt to the wound, two of the buses I tried to stop to get back home didn’t wanna stop. Aren’t bus stops meant for buses to STOP ?? I was sooooo freaking pissed off. Sweaty and pissed off ! I ended up walking from the post office to PKNS. In the bloody hot sun. I was bathing in sweat by the time I reached PKNS. Ergh. Bengang gila. Two bloody hours of my time wasted, for nothing !


My hair needs a trim.


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