Currently feeling: Hot
Currently listening to: Nothing

It’s almost Thursday and I can say that my break has been rather unproductive so far. I overdosed on sleep (fatal overdosing I tell you), food and exercise. But there are no regrets. I’d be going back to Shah Alam tomorrow after visiting Uncle Tan and family. Then it’s back to work. Sigh.

My lappie has been at the Acer Service Centre since last Friday for it’s screen has been giving me problems for quite some time now. Since I needed my lappie back, erm, today, Heikal went to Subang to check on it for me.
Apparently they sent my little screen to Taiwan. Hmm.
They gave me back my lappie with a temporary screen (?), which I would have to bear with until my screen comes all the way back from Taiwan. According to the people there, that would be in three weeks time.

Gong Xi Fa Cai and Xinnian Kuaile people !


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