Hi all !

I guess this blog’s getting a bit dusty these days huh ?
Hehe. Apologies !
I am still trying to adapt to having another baby in the house. Hee.

Khaleel is now a little over 2 months, Alhamdulillah.
He weighed 4.9kgs at his 2 months check up. Alhamdulillah.
Although he is not as semangat (heavy/big – old folks say it’s better to say semangat rather than heavy, no idea why haha) as Khayla was before, but as long as he is thriving, I am grateful !

He started lifting his head when he was about a week plus, and now he can lift his head up better for short periods. He even likes to lift his head up while he’s lying on his back.

We’re getting a lot of gurgling, cooing, ooohs and aaahhhs from him these day. He smiles and laughs at us too. *heart melts*
He loves his bath time, and is pretty calm during changing time as well. He spits up a lot, sometimes to the extent of vomiting. Iskk.
During the day he takes short naps (about 15 to 30 minutes) and sleeps longer (about 3-4 hours) at night.
Alhamdulillah, so far I can say that he is a pretty calm baby.
Thank you Allah, it is YOU who takes care of him, thank you !

khaleel 2 months

Khayla loves her brother so much that she loves to squeeze his cheeks, head, tummy etc. Most of the time Khaleel would cry from the ‘aggressive affection’ his sister showers him with. Haha.

As for Mummy, I am still on leave, yay !
But time sure flies so fast when you’re having a good time.

I’ve got so many things to blog about, lemme just organize my thoughts first then jot them down, ok ?

Until my next post, thanks for reading and bye !


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