Currently feeling: Tired
Currently listening to: Little Black Sandals – Sia

Back from my little outing with Yus.
We were at KLCC. I can’t remember the last time I was there.
Despite being unwell, it was fun to get to meet her and talk and laugh and talk and laugh.

This is a photo from last week where I took these people (excluding Yamin) for their first taste of Burger King. Yes, first !

I still don’t get it why people wear sunnies, indoors.
And why they push the doors when it clearly says pull. Oh, but then again, they may be illiterate, eh ? So I take that back.

I hate it when zits appear at non strategic places. You know where it hurts even when you make normal movements, like try to move your mouth to talk, for instance.
Okay, okay, I hate zits in general.
But since I have to face the fact that I have and am gonna be plagued with it probably my whole life, I think they (the zits) can at least do me a favour and appear in a less painful manner lah kan.

My webcam doesn’t seem to be working. I’m not sure since when but I just realized it last week. Whenever I try to turn it on, this pops up (click to enlarge, please).

Kenapa eh ?
Ah, it doesn’t matter. I don’t use my webcam that much anyway.

How is it that I drink a whole lot (gila banyak, okay) of water everyday, yet my skin is perpetually dry ?
And I’m just too lazy to apply all these lotions you know.
Speaking about lotions, I’m not a fan of lotions packed in bottles without a pump. They can get really messy especially when I’m the one using it. Disgusting, at times.
But I know they’re practical lah kan, you can’t carry a bottle with a pump in your bag, unless you intend to moisturize the insides of your bag.

I haven’t seen my boyfriend for more than 24 hours now and I think I’m going nuts.
He’s not even within 100 kilometers from me.
Long distance relationships are definitely not my thing. I think it has the capacity to kill a person me.
Oi, I miss you like gila banyak okay, cepat sikit balik boleh tak ? Okay, I’m wasting energy, it’s not as if he can read this.

I apologize for having to sound like a broken record, I just want people to know that I blog for myself, not for anyone else’s entertainment or what not. This is MY blog, where MY thoughts, MY rants are posted, so if YOU think I’m pathetic or need to get a life (like yours ? going around leaving bitter anonymous comments on people’s blogs ?), why are YOU still reading this ? Well, in my opinion, you’re the one who should be told to get a life, do something better with your time, instead of wasting it acting uncivilized/uneducated. I feel so sorry for you. Sigh.

For someone who has to sit for an extra paper this coming finals, I’m sooo relaxed, eh ? Too relaxed, I think.

Woah, I just ate 8 packets of Cloud 9 within a span of 10 minutes.
That would be my dinner, I guess.


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2 Comments on pump.

  1. Hi hantu coklat!

    Well, according to Oprah, water does nothing for the skin, really. You need water just so you won’t get dehydrated and die. Penat sahaja saya minum air bergallon-gallon.

    So, the only solution for dry/oily/combination skin are sun block and moisturizer. For our climate/weather the most suitable are SPF25 or SPF30. And night cream is also vital. Try not using international brands e.g. Dermalogica, Clinique, Neutrogina because, the ingredients in em are tested to cater for those who stays in you know, negara empat musim. It’s better to use local products that are made of natural ingredients. I think birds nest based products are the best.

    Hope my membebel helps!

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