Currently feeling: Flabby
Currently listening to: Wishing I Was There – Natalie Imbruglia

Mr. Sunshine told me he wanted to take a half an hour nap, two hours and fifteen minutes ago.
I don’t know whether I should be waking him up, he must be exhausted.

Today, a customer came in asking for something that both Gary (my boss’ brother) and I couldn’t understand. Then he said, “Mak saya selalu datang sini beli.” and gave us this you-should-know-my-mother look. It was funny because both of us just stared back at him while he repeatedly claimed that his mother is a regular at our pharmacy.
Come on lah kan, did he expect us to look at his face and then get a picture of how his mother looked like or something ?

Don’t worry people, you’ll only have to bear with these kinda stories until the end of this month which is another six days.
After that, you people will have to read about my whining and complaints about my real job. Can’t wait eh ?
*evil laugh*

Speaking of, rumour has it that we would be getting our posting letter next week and we’d have to report for work on the 15th of August.

My face is breaking out like mad.
What’s this on my chin ? What are these on my forehead ?
Ergh. Euww.
My unhealthy diet is to blame, I know.
I told you my body needed detoxification.
But chocolates and (fried) chicken are too hard to resist lah.
How now ?

I asked the sister whether she would give up meat to save the planet.
Her answer was, “No. We’re all gonna die anyway. Plus, they’re alive for us to eat. If we don’t eat them and let them reproduce and reproduce, what will happen ?”
Now you see why I love my sister ?
She made sense to me.
I was hoping she said no.
I wasn’t ready to give up my Spicy Chicken McDeluxe or Ayamas’ Spicy Drummets or Ayam Penyet or KFC. OMG, KFC !

Kak Siti had to undergo an emergency operation yesterday morning to save her baby. Her placenta broke down, and if they were an hour late, she might have lost the baby. Scary, isn’t it ?
The baby’s 7 months and two weeks premature. Oh, it’s a girl and she’s still under observation in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).
I hope everything goes well for Kak Siti and her first child.

Life’s so fragile.

Hmm, I think I should wake Mr. Sunshine up.


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