MOGTT stands for Modified Oral Glucose Tolerance Test and it’s basically a test to check on how our bodies regulate our glucose levels.
In pregnancy, it is used to diagnose gestational diabetes or diabetes in pregnancy.

Before I go on, allow me to share just a little bit on gestational diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is caused by our pancreas failing to produce enough insulin. Insulin is the hormone which regulates the amount of sugar in our blood and enables our body to store sugar that isn’t immediately needed for energy. In pregnancy, our body has to produce extra insulin to meet our baby’s needs, especially from about five months, when he is growing rapidly. If our body isn’t able to keep up, we may develop gestational diabetes. (Source)

MOH has made MOGTT compulsory for pregnant women who:

  1. Are above 25 years
  2. Has a family history of diabetes
  3. Experience abnormal weight gain in pregnancy

However, I do know people who have not had to take the test. So I guess it depends on the clinic you go to for your check ups.

I, on the other hand, have had the ‘privilege’ of taking the test TWICE this pregnancy and once when I was carrying Khayla.

I first took the test when I was 13 weeks and the second test was scheduled last week when I was 28 weeks.
Alhamdulillah both results were normal.

Results of the first test I took at 13/52.
Results of the second test I took at 28/52.

But in the second test, my glucose levels were higher as compared to the first one, so I am a bit worried. Need to control my chocolate intake. Hee.

The basics are you need to fast from 10 p.m the night before and get your blood drawn out when you reach the clinic in the morning. This will show your fasting blood glucose levels (FBS).

Then, you will be required to drink a glass of glucose water which is 75 grams of glucose diluted in a glass of warm water.

Alhamdulillah, so far I have not had trouble drinking the whole glass and I did not feel like vomiting or whatever, probably because of my sweet tooth ! Haha.

But that’s not the end of the test !

After that you have to fast (again) and wait for another 2 hours and then get your blood drawn out again. This will show your 2 hours post prandial (2HPP) glucose levels.

Normal levels would be:
FBS: < 5.6 mmol/L
2HPP: < 7.8 mmol/L

Pregnant ladies, please do not be afraid of this infamous minum air gula test as it is for our own good. You would not want to have gestational diabetes without knowing, kan ?
Because, untreated or poorly controlled gestational diabetes can hurt you AND your baby. Nauzubillah !

Until my next post, take care people. 🙂


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