Currently feeling: Okay
Currently listening to: He Can Only Her – Amy Winehouse

Oh boy, tonight’s really warm. I feel like having a nice long cold shower.
But, malas.

I sent my Nikon for repair Wednesday afternoon.
Still contemplating whether it’s worth repairing. It’s gonna cost a bomb you know.

Annisa came all the way here to meet me that night. Thanks a whole lot dear.
We spent time updating each other with our latest stories at Pancake House International, Sunway Pyramid. That was also where the waiter who we asked to take our photos for us, asked us to take photos with him. Banyak pulak tu.
Ann, we still have to go on a movie date, okay ?

Mr. Sunshine came to watch Deadly Ghost with me later in the night.

Tiba-tiba rasa amat disayangi pulak.

I was reading my archives from my previous blog and some of the posts moved me a bit. Gosh, I’m a pretty sad person, am I ?
Right now, I’m actually very glad and grateful that I am over that dreadful phase of being so emotionally attached to something that I shouldn’t have been attached to. I have managed to shake it off. Alhamdulillah.

Oh, oh, check this out.

Baby Alya yo !

I want babies of my own !
Okay, I’ll stop before I scare you people away.

I was a mess a few hours ago.
But thanks to dearest Gan and my Mr. Sunshine, I’m feeling oh-so-much better.
Thank you so much, you and you.

Ergh, this late night snacking has gotta stop.


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