Currently feeling: Sleepy
Currently listening to: Nothing

Daddy’s blood test and checkup was postponed to April next year. The last checkup he had was in February this year which means no checkup for more than a year.
I am angry.
Angry at the fact that they couldn’t call or mail or text or use other means of communication to let Daddy know that it was postponed instead of him having to drive all the way there for nothing. What a waste of time, fuel and energy !
Okay so maybe it was not a total waste, he did get to take his new supply of medications.
I really don’t get these people.
Why the postponation ?
Haha, I know, postponation is not a word. It just sounded cool (and funny) in my head.
Let me rephrase that, why the postpone ??

I was in Shah Alam with Lene earlier, printing four copies of my thesis.
Then I left them with Pojie as she’s gonna hand them over to Chona who will then pass them to Farhan who’s responsible of bringing the whole class’ thesis for the hard cover binding process.

I’m tired.
I’m hungry.
I’m sad.


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