Currently feeling: Flabby
Currently listening to: Nothing

It’s raining cats and dogs outside here right now.
I’m frying some chicken drummets for Daddy and Lene.
Daddy wants to have something light (FRIED chicken ?) to eat as we would be leaving for Aunt Maziey’s house at around 4 later for a get together (which would surely involve a whole lot of food).

Marc’s in Shah Alam attending a half day Biro Tatanegara talk.
How come I had to go for the five-day one twice ?
He’s getting fitter since he rejoined his weekly karate lessons he left years ago.

The doctor I went to see last Friday suggested that I go for a thorough blood test.

Mr Sunshine was here last week, he had a talk with Daddy about a couple of things.
I am relieved but am finding it funny at the same time.
It took so long for him to actually start talking about what he wanted to discuss with Daddy. Hehe.
I just hope everything goes as planned. InsyaAllah, Aamin.

I’m craving cake.
Been craving cake since two days ago actually.
What does a girl gotta do to get a slice of cake with heavy icing here eh ?

I have not had my bath today.

Hey, the rain has stopped.


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7 Comments on gimme cake.

  1. Q: “What does a girl gotta do to get a slice of cake with heavy icing here eh ?”

    A: Meet me this weekend 😉 I’ll buy you one.

  2. Baby: Babe ! I have a car so I can drive to ur place on my own now, yippie ! Can keep tak cake tu, haha tunggu I sihat sikit ? Nyum nyum !

    Gan: Oooohh really ? Tempting ! Wait for my sms ok ? =)

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