Dian Khayla is now a healthy 15 month-old toddler, Alhamdulillah.
It amazes me how fast toddlers at this age absorb and imitate what they see around them. MashaAllah.

  • These days, she is starting to be a pro at throwing temper tantrums. Whenever things don’t go her way, she would hit me, slap my face, bite me (!) and/or scream at the top of her lungs. Isk isk. I try my best not to lose my cool with her, while praying hard that this tantrum phase will fade away soon. She doesn’t act like that with her Ayah, I guess she knows he can be strict. Hehe.
  • She says, “nak” or “tu” (while pointing to something) when she wants something.
  • She would take the house keys, go to the door and makes gestures as if she’s trying to open it.
  • She insists on feeding herself, meal times are messy times.

  • She LOVES Upin & Ipin. I let her watch both the English and Malay version. Don’t judge ! 
  • Her newly developed ‘skill’ – spinning around and around while standing AND walking backwards. Hehe.
  • She wants to eat EVERYTHING we eat.
  • She would wave her index finger and says, “Nooo” to us when she knows she’s doing something wrong. Haha.
  • Would sometimes take any piece of cloth, (ie. blanket, her blouse) and wipes the floor or any hard surface with it. Rajinnya anak Mummy. Hehe.

  • She rearranges our dining table chairs for us. Heck, the whole house gets a makeover these days. T___________T
  • She would pick up the house phone and says, “Ohh?”.I think she means ‘hello’. Hehe. She even knows what to press on my phone so that it lights up, then she’ll put it to her ear and says, “Ohh?”. Hehe.
  • Sometimes if she’s done doing her ‘business’, she would come over to us, lift up her blouse, and says, “Yakk.” Hahahaha.
  • On good days, she would hold out her arms and legs to help me dress her. On not-so-good days, I would have to chase her all around the room just to get her diaper on.  
  • Finally calls me, ‘Mi’ or ‘Aaami’. But I am also ‘Ayah’ and ‘Eyyy !’. T_________T
  • Other words she’s forming are ‘Nenek’, ‘Bik’ (Ambil), ‘Ayoo’ (Fuyoo), Bird, Cat. Those are the ones I can remember. She makes a roaring sound when I say ‘lion’, which is something I taught, hehehe.

Can you believe how big my little girl is now ? She’s growing up too fast ! Isk.


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3 Comments on dian khayla – 15 months progress report

  1. that is just toooo cute! im laughing.. she is so adorable.. such a doll to have a daughter kan.. their telatah bercakap is so fun to listen n watch.. boys kan lebih senyap..haha.. ayra pn dh pandai ‘masak’ and ‘wiping floor’.. hope the rajinness lasts forever. haha

  2. awww, cute little 15 month old. My boy is a month younger. Nice to see so much similarity between these toddlers, someone whom we know well but still learn something new each day about them.

  3. Arina: Hehehe hope they stay rajin until they’re grown ups. 🙂

    MizzyN: Hehehe, true true. Our kids surprise us every single day ! 🙂

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