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Category: mummy I miss

my 1433H eid.

Hello ya’ll !
I hope it’s not too late to wish all my Muslim brothers & sisters SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI !

Last Monday marked 6 years since arwah Mummy left us and the day before (Sunday) would have been her 62nd birthday if she was still around. I’m still in a bit of a sombre mood, but I’m trying my best to not let it affect me too much. Gotta concentrate on work. I can’t believe it has been 6 years already. It still feels like it was just yesterday. :'(


August is a bittersweet month for me. *nangis*

Gotta. Focus.
Gotta. Focus.

How has your Raya (I somehow prefer addressing Raya as Raya instead of Eid) been so far ? I was on leave for the whole of last week. Not because I wanted to beraya but because my workplace was closed for the whole week and so was Khayla’s nursery. Soooo, I had no choice but to take leave. But I think I’ve managed to put all the spare time to good use.

As I’ve blabbered in my previous post, we spent Raya eve and the first two days of Syawal in Batu Pahat. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I’d have to be honest that I felt awful on Raya eve when everyone was busy preparing dishes for Raya. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed and cry. It wasn’t just about being in Batu Pahat, it’s just the same emotions I go through every year before (and during Raya) and I guess it was exarcebated by the fact that I wasn’t in Gombak.

Alhamdulillah Mr. Sunshine was always there for me, he thanked me for agreeing to be in his hometown, and constantly had words of comfort for me throughout the eve of Raya. Things got a little better on the 1st day of Syawal, I managed to contain my tears whole day, even during the bersalam-salaman and the whole visiting relatives sessions. What an achievement, Alhamdulillah.
So yeah, it wasn’t that bad.

Green was our theme in Batu Pahat. Mr. Sunshine and I reused our outfits which we wore for Marc & Linn’s wedding. 🙂

My beautiful sisters in-law.
I’m so fortunate that I can joke around with them and talk to them as if they’re my own blood. 🙂

My man. 🙂

Awesome mum in-law. 🙂
Mr. Sunshine’s extended family ! 🙂

We were back in Gombak on the 2nd day of Syawal. We went visiting the next day. We intend to continue visiting friends/relatives this weekend. InshaAllah. Mr. Sunshine, Khayla and I were all supposed to be in purple, but the tailor didn’t managed to finish sewing Khayla and my baju kurungs. What a disappointment ! 🙁

Family shot on the 3rd day of Syawal.

I love this shot of us !

Last Thursday, Mr. Sunshine took Khayla and I on a 3 days 2 nights vacation to Penang. Traffic was heavy along the way but there was no jam. All we did in Penang was eat, eat, and EAT.
I didn’t gain any weight throughout the first 4 days of Syawal, but I managed to gain a kilo after being in Penang for 3 days !

Yummy Penang Food.

MORE yummy Penang food.

Khayla had her first trip to the beach at Batu Feringghi, and she didn’t like it that much. She was in tears every time the waves hit her legs. Hehe. Driving down Batu Feringghi brought back a lot of memories of when I was there with Daddy, arwah Mummy & my siblings.

At Batu Feringghi beach.

We also took her on a ferry ride on which she was pretty cool and calm, pointing at the sea water, unlike her Mummy who was terrified and couldn’t wait to get back into the car. Yes, I am still terrifed of deep water.

Khayla and Ayah on the ferry.

Mummy explaining to Khayla why Mummy is afraid of the sea. Haha.

Khayla was also pretty cool on the train ride up and down Penang Hill (Bukit Bendera). We got on the front coach and we let her stand by the front window. 🙂

The view from Penang Hill. 🙂

Khayla was a bit cranky throughout the whole Penang trip. I guess she was fatigued, because everytime we were in the car she would hug me and fall asleep. Poor baby.

Yesterday morning I think I heard Khayla call out, “Mi, mi !” but I am still not too sure whether she means Mummy. Hehe.

That’s all for now. Hope all of you had an awesome Raya.
Bye !


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are you ready to say goodbye ?

Ramadhan is nearing its end I feel like I have not accomplished what I set out to do during this holy month.
I am far from perfecting my Qur’an reading skills, I haven’t been giving as much as I should and I find myself more consumed by worldly matters as the days go by. *nangis*
But there’s still a couple more days before Syawal, so I plan to make the most out of it, InshaAllah.

Work has been okay, Alhamdulillah.
I have found out the hard way that handling procurement of drugs (read: medications, not illegal drugs) is tough ! Now I know what my ex-colleagues who were in charge of a pharmacy store were stressing about most of the time. The past 8 months has seen me making mistakes, and learning from them. Sometimes I do feel like a total failure (sob, sob), but I have to keep reminding myself that mistakes are inevitable especially when you’re new. I shall strive to provide better after this, especially next year after this year’s drug tender contract ends. Ameen.

On a completely different note, I discovered that I am nearsighted, about 5 months ago. Isk isk. I think it’s partly due to owning a smartphone ! Honestly, I always thought that my perfect vision would last me a lifetime (hahaha) because both Daddy and arwah Mummy only had to wear glasses when they were in their 40’s to 50’s. Hmm. I guess that’s what you get when you take Allah’s luxuries for granted. Isk isk.

How are your Raya plans this year ? 
Mr. Sunshine and I had planned to spend Raya eve in Gombak this year, since we’ve been in Batu Pahat for the past two years. But due to unforeseen circumstances, we’d be in Batu Pahat again this year. I don’t want to elaborate much on the whys and whatnots because it’ll only trigger my lacrimal glands to produce massive amounts of tears. I hope I can keep my calm while we’re there.
Next year, InshaAllah we’ll celebrate Raya in Gombak. It has been 6 years since arwah Mummy passed on, and that’s how long we’ve never actually celebrated Raya.

Oh, how I miss Mummy. :'(

And with that said, I have lost my mood to blog.


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sixty one.

Happy 61st Birthday Mummy.

Tomorrow will mark 5 years since you left us.

Allah is so Great, he took you away in the month of August and has blessed me with my beautiful baby Khayla in this very same month too.
She was actually due yesterday, a day before your birthday. 🙂

I want you to know that I miss you even more these days, with the birth of Khayla, and Raya just around the corner. All around the same time of your birthday and the anniversary of your passing. :'(
When I was going through the pains of delivering Khayla, my thoughts and prayers were always of you.
I am reminded of you when I stare at Khayla.
I think I am stuck with the baby blues because there are times tears would just fall down my cheeks for no reason at all.
Oh how I wish you were still around to see how amazing your granddaughter is.
She may look demure, but wait until you hear her cry !
It’s not easy putting her to sleep at night. But Daddy told me, “You won’t know the meaning of patience until you have a child.”
I wish you were around to give me tips and advice and help me bring up my daughter to be a beautiful person inside and out, just like you.
No matter how great my in-laws are, deep down inside, I still wish I could be with you during this period of confinement.
I am not gonna lie, it’s pretty tough putting on a strong face when my insides are all in bits and pieces. But I know it’s another phase I have to go through.

I wish I was as strong as you.

I miss you Mummy.

Ramadhan blessing: Having a mum and sisters in-law who would go the extra mile just to take care of me during confinement. Alhamdulillah.


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