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Category: khayla

This is An Achievement!

It’s 11:30 a.m and I have:

  • Walked indoor for an hour
  • Washed my hair
  • Applied henna on my hair (Khayla wanted to do so too, so we did it together 😍)
  • Hung all my dresses & jubahs which were in a basket for almost 2 weeks now
  • Ironed all Mr Sunshine’s work clothes for the week, and Khayla’s uniform for today’s graduation ceremony.
  • Cleared up the mess in the living room, and on dining table
  • Washed all the dishes including the kuali & rice cooker from 2 days ago (euw, I know. Mr Sunshine usually does it if I do not, but it’s been a hectic week for him too)
  • Got the diffusers running downstairs and smiled while doing it (they haven’t been on for ages!)
  • Tapped for 13 minutes

These might seem like nothing to most of you, but for me, this is an achievement!

Especially after such a mentally & emotionally challenging (and exhausting!) week. Up until last night, things were just so heavy that I wondered whether I will ever be OK.

This has been a hectic weekend with Khaleel’s Novice Swim Meet & Khayla’s graduation, Mr Sunshine’s run and me working. But Alhamdulillah everything is looking good so far.

And Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah for this ‘morning of achievement’. Thank you Allah. 🥲

Oh, it just started raining very heavily.
I guess I’ll stop here for now.
Gotta go get ready for Khayla’s graduation ceremony – can’t believe she is finishing primary school already! Where did 12 years go? 🥲



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What’s New?

So what’s new with me after more than a year of leaving the blogosphere?

I have so much to tell but I don’t think I can cram everything into one post.

Nevertheless, I guess I’ll take it from this post.

Alhamdulillah, Mr Sunshine graduated with flying colours last year and has started working again. This means that he would no longer be at home to take care of the kids should the need arise. It got back to us taking turns to take leave.

Mak and I with Mr Sunshine on his graduation day!

However, we also found a substitute babysitter to send the kids to when the both of us are unable to take leave. She happens to be the sister in-law’s babysitter who Alhamdulillah is nice & Khayla loves her. Khaleel on the other hand, needs a little warming up every time we send him there because he is very attached to his current sitter whom he affectionately calls ‘Mama’.

This is kind of worrying to me as we are planning to send him to a montessori starting next year but InshaAllah hopefully he will be fine.

Khaleel has grown up to be a very active & talkative kid, Alhamdulillah.

However, I must share that in February this year, he had an afebrile seizure attack when he was at the sitter’s. When I got to him, he was so weak for at least 3 hours & it scared the hell out of me. But of course, it was the usual post-ictal symptom one would experience after a seizure attack.

A colleague of mine helped to send us to the hospital where he was warded for a few days and had an electroencephalogram (EEG) & an MRI carried out on him. He had to be sedated for the MRI, so he had to fast and it was not easy handling a hungry (and thirsty) kid especially when he was begging you for your milk.

I bruised my right arm throughout the process, both arms were sore and my chest hurt from him banging his head on it. But Alhamdulillah, his MRI turned out normal. However, his EEG did show signs of seizure activity.

Khaleel before his EEG. 🙁

When trying to deduce what triggered the attack, the specialist told us it could have been due to the loss of electrolytes as he was vomiting a couple of days prior to that. In addition, we have family histories of febrile & afebrile fits.

It was such a physically & emotionally challenging period for us and definitely one of the scariest moments in my life.

Khayla is in Standard One, can you believe it?

Alhamdulillah, she is doing well in school. She really enjoys swimming, talking, singing & participating in all of her school activities. I pray she continues to have this passion for school, for studying and extra-curricular activities.

It’s funny that one minute she’s telling me she’s best friends with this person and in another minute, they’re not friends anymore. Then, in the following minute, they’re friends again! I don’t remember going through this much drama when I was in Standard One. Haha.

Khayla got through to the finals of her school’s pakaian beragam Merdeka competition wearing this outfit.

She will be sitting for her final exams next week, inshaAllah. And oh boy, have you seen the Standard One syllabus these days? I feel sorry for all these kids who have to crack their heads just to follow the syllabus. Please keep Khayla in your prayers!

Daddy had a minor heart attack in March. 🙁

He was admitted for a week and after a series of tests & appointments, it was decided that he would have to go for a bypass. He had his bypass in July, and was discharged after 2 weeks. Sadly, he was readmitted into the ICU due to an infection on the wound on his leg where they made the incisions for the bypass. 🙁

Daddy post bypass in July.

He is now staying with Marc and we hire a nurse to look after him during the day. He is slowly recovering and making progress, albeit slower that expected. Please keep him in your prayers as well!

Marc has moved into a landed quarters!

His new place is in a pretty quiet & cozy neighbourhood where the kids get to play outside & Daddy can take his walks without having to use a lift to go up & down.

Marlene has completed her Bachelors in Dentistry, Alhamdulillah!

Hellooo free veneers! Eh? Haha.

As for myself, work has been stressful as usual but good, Alhamdulillah. I have also dabbled in the world of essential oils, which I shall share in my next post, InshaAllah.

Until my next post, see you!


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Under The Coconut Shell

Hi. Hello. Assalamu’alaikum.

Yeah, yeah I know, it has been centuries since I last blogged.
It’s a good thing I still remember my password. Hehe.
I just got to approving some pending comments, will get to replying them, I am so sorry for not noticing your comments especially those who asked for the ibadah schedule from this 2015 post of mine ! InshaAllah I will find time to forward the schedule to you sisters. 🙂

Anywayyyy, it’s 2017 ! It’s March of 2017 already !
Since my last post, I have started working in a new place (well, actually I started working there in June last year), Khayla turned five last year, Khaleel turned one last November, Mr. Sunshine is a few months away from completing his masters (ameen !), and I am 2 kilos away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Alhamdulillah.

Work has been hectic, stress-free stressful, but good, Alhamdulillah. I am grateful to have the opportunity to learn so many new things where I am now.

Khayla is going to enter primary school next year, InshaAllah. Can you believe it !?
I feel like I just wrote about her birth yesterday. She is still my baby girllll ! 🙁
Alhamdulillah she is doing well in her kindergarten, however she can be pretty talkative (I wonder who she takes after *rolls eyes*) which can get her into trouble sometimes. Hehe.

Khaleel started walking at 11 months, Alhamdulillah. He was fully breastfed until he was 1 year, and then I started supplementing with formula at the sitter’s. He still breastfeeds when he is at home. I’m planning to write a separate post on that. Oh Allah, please allow me to have time & inspiration to write that post within this year ! Ameen, haha.
There are times I feel like I am being unfair with Khaleel as when I had Khayla, I wrote a number of posts about her monthly milestones. But it didn’t happen with Khaleel.

Khaleel, when you read this, it’s not because Mummy loves you less, it’s because Mummy was busy nursing you and when Mummy wasn’t nursing you, Mummy was at work pumping milk for you. Hah ! 


So much has happened over the past year, it’s challenging to cram them all up in one post. And I won’t.

As I am writing this, I am thinking of going on a 7-day detox with Mr. Sunshine. We thought of starting tomorrow but we did not go grocery shopping today, plus I have a meeting on Tuesday which means there will be food and there might be a farewell party at the office which means there will be more food, so yeah.

Excuses, excuses. Haha.

I shall update if we ever go on that detox thingy.

See y’all in my next post next year !
Bye !


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