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Category: Khaleel

Of Trials

The first 14 days of confinement were not a bed of roses for me.
And it has nothing to do with the confinement ‘rules’.
Allow me to share on what happened…

Scenario 1:

The day after Khaleel’s birth, I received a call from Umra, telling me that their paediatrician has something to discuss with me. Mr. Sunshine and I brought Khaleel along to Umra that evening.
The paediatrician told us that they just got the results for the vaginal swab for group B streptococcus (GBS) they did on me the first time I came to Umra the previous Wednesday. It was positive.

You see, being a GBS carrier is perfectly normal and natural as it is found as part of the normal gut flora in 20-30% of men and women, and the vagina in roughly 1 in 4 women.
So, it does not carry any health risk to the carrier, which in this case is myself.

However, a baby delivered via a vaginal delivery has a risk to develop a GBS infection.

The paediatrician wanted to admit Khaleel and start him on intravenous gentamicin & benzylpenicillin.
You can imagine how shocked both Mr Sunshine and I were.

We were not keen about starting our 2 day-old baby on antibiotics unnecessarily, so we asked for some time to think about it. He gave us 10 minutes. We could not make a decision that quick, so we signed the at-own-risk (AOR) discharge slip and brought Khaleel home.

We called a couple of friends who were doctors and asked for their opinions and decided to get a second opinion that night itself, from PPUM.

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I packed my bags just in case Khaleel had to be admitted.

We arrived at PPUM close to midnight that day.
The medical officer at PPUM told us that he thinks Khaleel is fine as it has already been 40 hours since his birth, however he did a blood test just to be sure.
We waited until after 0200 hours for the results, and Alhamdulillah they were normal. We reached home almost 0400 hours that morning.

Yes, I went through all the above with my sore perineum, 40 hours after delivering my baby. *nangis*

Scenario 2:

On Monday, November 23rd, Khayla woke up with a fever and she was coughing really bad. I told Mr Sunshine to bring her to her paediatrician in DEMC to get her checked.

That afternoon, Mr Sunshine called me from the hospital to tell me that Khayla needed to be admitted. She was down with acute bronchitis.

I immediately broke down.
My confinement lady, Kak Anda tried to console me and told me that it was not good to cry that much during confinement.
I could not control my emotions.
My heart broke thinking about Khayla and Mr. Sunshine who had to skip classes to stay with Khayla in the hospital.

Khayla was admitted that day, and I was at home with Khaleel and Kak Anda.
I was so exhausted from not being able to take a nap during the day and from all the crying I did.
Khaleel slept with Kak Anda that night. *nangis*
I was fortunate that I had expressed breastmilk stored in the refrigerator.

That night, I cried myself to sleep.

Alhamdulillah, Khayla was discharged last Friday.
Mr Sunshine skipped 3 days of classes last week. Poor him.
I spent 4 nights (crying every now and then because I missed Mr. Sunshine and Khayla) at home with Khaleel and Kak Anda.

Now, how’s that for drama ?

But Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear, kan ?

Goodnight ! 🙂


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The Birth of Sayf Khaleel

This will be a continuation of this post and a LONG ONE !

I was on medical leave the following day (Thursday) and was told to rest, but instead, Mr Sunshine and I went on a date. Haha. I specifically requested we do three things:

  1. Eat at Carl’s Jr
  2. Watch Spectre
  3. Eat coconut ice cream from Sangkaya

And those were exactly what we did.
I told baby that he can come out already, Mummy has drooled over Daniel Craig enough. Haha.

I went for a follow up scan at Hospital Umra on Friday, 13th November 2015.
Dr Ummul Wahiy performed the scan and told us (Mr. Sunshine and I) that my amniotic fluids were still low. She performed a vaginal examination as well and found that my cervix was only a fingertip dilated.

She scheduled me for an induction on Sunday (15th November) night.

So we had lunch and Mr Sunshine dropped me off at Annisa’s new pad to hang out while he went for Friday prayers.

After the vaginal exam, I was feeling very crampy and at Annisa’s house, I found out that I was spotting. I tried to stay calm because Dr Ummul had already told me to expect slight bleeding after the exam. However, the cramps were quite bothersome.

The spotting and cramping continued until I was home. I had a funny feeling that Dr Ummul did a membrane sweep on me !

Membrane Sweep – During an internal examination, a doctor or midwife will try to insert a finger into the opening of your cervix (neck of your womb) and then gently but firmly move her finger around. This action should separate the membranes of the amniotic sac surrounding your baby from your cervix. This separation releases hormones (prostaglandins) which may kick-start your labour. – Babycentre UK

That night, I bounced on my gym ball, with hopes that it will help induce labour naturally.
It actually made me bleed even more. *gasps*

Mr Sunshine’s exact words while I was bouncing on the ball were, “Ayang jangan semangat sangat, nanti bersalin malam ni kang.” Hehe.

I thought that if I do go into labour, it would be on the following day, after Khayla’s school concert. Yes, Khayla’s school concert was on Saturday !

Boy, was I wrong.
I went to sleep at about 2300 hours that night, with the cramps getting worse. I told Mr. Sunshine, “Boleh tahan juga sakit lepas vaginal exam ni.” and told him to go to bed early just in case I go into labour.

I could not sleep.

I was experiencing on and off cramps.

At 0130 hours on Saturday (14th November), I got up from bed and realized that the cramps I was experiencing were actually contractions.

The pain was still bearable so I did not wake Mr. Sunshine up. I tried to clean up the house a bit, put on baby’s bed sheet, packed Khayla’s bag for her concert (I was still thinking that I could go to her concert, haha) etc and sat in the living room monitoring my contractions.

I was still bleeding at the time.

At 0430 hours, I woke Mr. Sunshine up, told him that I am already in labour. Mr Sunshine called his sister, Syahieda to get her to come over to be with Khayla. I started to get emotional thinking about not being able to watch Khayla perform that day.

While waiting for Syahieda to arrive, I felt a gush of fluid down there.
When I checked, I was not too sure whether my waterbag had broke because all I could see was blood.

At around 0500 hours, I felt another gush of fluid flow down there and when I checked, it was yellowish in colour.
It was then when I panicked and told Mr. Sunshine that we needed to go to the hospital stat. Mr. Sunshine told Syahieda to meet us at Umra instead.

We reached Hospital Umra at about 0530 hours, I was brought straight to the labour room. Contractions were getting more intense but still bearable. I was attended to by Dr Karamjit Kaur at about 0600 hours. She told me I was 1 cm dilated and she was going to give it about 2 hours. I was given an enema to help clear my digestive tract before delivery.

Contractions were getting more and more intense. Even Dr Karamjit told us that my contractions were extremely strong for my stage in labour. Yeah, tell me something I didn’t know. Pfft.

Mr. Sunshine held the entonox gas for me every time I had a contraction.
At around 0715 hours, Dr Karamjit came to check on me, and told me that I was still 1-2 cm dilated.
The pain at the time was unbearable, I even asked (more like begged) for an epidural but Mr Sunshine consoled me and told me that I was almost there and could do it without the epidural.
That kinda irked me to the extent I told him, “Jahatlah ayang ni ! Saya yang sakit tau !” Hahaha talk about drama. Sorry ayang !

From then on, things progressed faster than I expected. I went from being 1-2 cm dilated to feeling like I want to poop so badly (read: poop out baby) in less than 45 minutes.
Dr Karamjit was called in, and with a couple of pushes, out came little Sayf Khaleel at 0809 hours !

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah were the words that came out of my mouth after that. After Dr Karamjit stitched me up (yes, I tore, ouch), Mr Sunshine came in to recite the azan to our son. 🙂

So there you go, the story of how Sayf Khaleel came into this world. I hope I did not bore you. Hehe.
Mr. Sunshine and I both missed Khayla’s concert but am grateful his sister was there with Khayla.

And oh, Dr Ummul confirmed that she did indeed do a membrane sweep on me !

I have more stories to share, but I’ll save them for my next post.

Sayf Khaleel 1

Ok bye !


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The New Addition

Soooo, I finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Saturday, 14th November 2015.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Sayf KhaleelSay hello to Sayf Khaleel bin Mohd Syafiq !
Sayf – “Sword, Pedang
Khaleel – “Close companion/intimate friend, Sahabat tersayang

Thank you for all the kind wishes and prayers. 🙂

I have loads to share, these 11 days have been bittersweet.

Until my next post, bye !


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