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Category: babble

viva la espana !

I have been following the World Cup avidly (read: watched almost every match) until Brazil lost.
After that, it all seemed so lackluster. Remember this ? Hehe.
But I had another two teams of choice (after Brazil, of course) which were Germany and Spain.
Germany snatched the third place, again. Congratulations to them.
And by now all of you would have known that SPAIN ARE THE WORLD CHAMPIONS !!!
So I am pretty content, ecstatic that Netherlands lost, because I hate them for no obvious reasons.
My Van Dort family, please forgive me, this has nothing to do with all of you. 🙂

Just in case some of you were curious, Van Dort is Mummy’s side of my family. Mummy was Philomena Van Dort. 😉

Hooray for Spain, world champions for the first time !


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don’t speak.

I’m working the WP 3 shift this month, which means I clock in at 0830 hours and clock out at 1730 hours.
I love the clocking in late part but I am not particularly happy about clocking out late. Hehe.
I wonder if I can trick them to let me have a half an hour break and let me go home at 1700 hours. Haha.

Mr Sunshine is on his way to Perhentian Island.
He’d be staying there for a night, which leaves me all alone at night again. Sigh.
The last time he left wasn’t that bad, but what bums me out is him going to Perhentian !
I am aware that it’s a work trip, but the inspections won’t take the whole day, right ?
Not fair !

Have fun Yayang ! ;D

I am a bit disappointed with a certain someone.
You can say that we’re kinda close, but the thing is I do not see any effort on her side to maintain whatever that’s left of the friendship we have.
I am not expecting calls or messages every week but even once a month would suffice. I would be happy even with a message on Facebook. You get what I mean ?
Why should I always be the one initiating communication ?
Recently I tried getting in touch with her, but she told me she was busy and would get back to me as soon as she got back home. That was a week ago.
But I should have seen it coming.
It has always been like this.

Dear you, you know we’ve been through the whole I-won’t-be-in-touch-until-I-feel-like-I-need-you phase a few times now. I love you but it’s getting a bit tiring. Seriously.
Tawar hati lah.

I am fasting today as I have a few more days of fasts to make up.
I managed to fast the whole first week of Rejab, Alhamdulillah, before Aunt Flo came to visit.
I have absolutely no idea what to have this evening when I break my fast. I get lazy to cook when I am alone.
I am lazy even when Mr Sunshine’s around too actually but the feeling gets more intense he’s not. Hehe.

I feel a headache coming on.
There’s still time to lie down, yay !

Have a good week everyone ! ;D


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comel lah sangat.

Di hospital ini, ada sesetengah kakak-kakak jururawat yang memanggil saya dengan nama comei. Ye, comei bukan comel. Saya assume mereka nak panggil saya comel. Ha ha ha.
Saya berikan beberapa contoh situasi.

Situasi 1: Ketika saya menelefon ke Wad Lelaki
Saya: Assalamualaikum, boleh saya bercakap dengan Kak Nano (bukan nama sebenar) ?
Kak Nano: Waalaikummussalam, Kak Nano ni.
Saya: Oh Kak Nano, Melissa ni.
Kak Nano: Ye comei, ada apa ?

Situasi 2: Ketika saya hendak mendapatkan rawatan di Unit Kecemasan
Saya: *muka pucat memegang perut*
Kak Zazo (bukan nama sebenar): Alahai comei, kenapa ni ?
Saya: Gastrik la Kak Zazo ! *muka sedih*

Saya tidaklah merasakan diri saya ini comel akan tetapi saya berterima kasih kepada kakak-kakak yang baik hati mendoakan saya. 🙂
Mudah-mudahan doa kakak-kakak semua dimakbulkan dan saya betul betul menjadi comel !
Mudah-mudahan nanti anak-anak saya pun mengikut kecomelan saya hasil doa kakak kakak semua.



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