Hello y’all !
Assalamu’alaikum. 🙂

We bid farewell to 2014 and said hi to 2015, and we’re already on the thirteenth day of the New Year ! Alhamdulillah.

2014 has been a trying year for us Malaysians, with the recent massive floods and planes crashing (or going missing).
2014 was a trying year for my family too, with Khayla being admitted twice to DEMC and me struggling to juggle between my new job, family time & time for Shaklee.

Hopefully 2015 will be much better for all of us. Ameen.

However, 2015 kicked off with Daddy being unwell. He was rushed to the Selayang Hospital on Friday, 2nd January by Marc & Marlene because he was weak and fell in the toilet.
The wards were full so he was observed in the emergency department for 18 hours !
He was finally admitted in the medical ward 9D on Saturday afternoon.

They initially said it was pneumonia, so they started him on antibiotics and he had to put on a face mask for oxygen supply as his percentage of oxygen saturation (SpO2) wasn’t too good.

Poor Daddy. 🙁

On Sunday, they started treating him as COAD, in view of his chronic smoking history and his symptoms were similar to asthma symptoms.
Daddy stopped smoking (cold turkey !) 15 years ago but prior to that he was smoking for more than 30 years.

Soo he was given bronchodilator nebuliser every 4 hours and started on an metered dose inhaler. Daddy said the nebuliser has helped him sleep better. Alhamdulillah.
He was finally discharged on Wednesday, 7th January.

Marc, Marlene, Mr. Sunshine and I took turns to keep Daddy company in the ward.
Marc and I fell sick along the way – fever, chills, body aches purging and loss of appetite !

So that was our rocky start to 2015, but it hasn’t wavered my spirits to move forward. Because, at the end of the day, everything happens for a reason. Allah knows best ! 🙂

My next post will be on my new year’s resolutions. Hehe.

Take care everyone, stay healthy ! 🙂


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