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Month: August 2011

and her name is…

Dian Khayla binti Mohd Syafiq
Dian – “Light, Cahaya
Khayla – “Beautiful, Cantik

My Beautiful Light with her Ayah a.k.a Mr. Sunshine. 🙂

Ramadhan blessing: Seeing my daughter smile in her sleep. Subhanallah. 🙂


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hello everyone..

..I have finally arrived !

After 21 hours of labour and 4-minutes of pushing (my Mummy’s awesome !), Mummy has safely delivered me into this world !
I was born at Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu at exactly 0859 hours, weighing 2.56 kilograms (I know, I’m pretty tiny, so I guess all that weight Mummy gained was hers after all, haha !) and I was a champion because I pooped and peed immediately after I popped out !
Ayah has told Mummy to wait until he announces my name ‘officially’ (his exact words), but Mummy is so anxious to let everyone know, she keeps asking Ayah every 5 minutes, “Bila boleh bagi tahu niiiii ??”

As much that I am excited to grow up, at the time being I am focusing on keeping Mummy awake all night to feed me. Nyums.
Until next time, bye !

xoxo (Mummy says this means hugs and kisses)

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week 38 update.

I have just entered my 38th week of pregnancy. Alhamdulillah…

…and I think I just lost my mucus plug.

Menstrual-like cramps accompanied my sleep last night, and when I woke up to prepare sahur at about 0440 hours, I noticed blood-tinged mucus on my pantyliner. TMI, sorry, haha.
I panicked for a bit and woke Mr. Sunshine up, but then continued to prepare our sahur.
We had sardine sandwiches.

I panicked when I realized that I hadn’t washed the baby’s bedsheet, pillow & bolster cases, so I immediately put them to wash after sahur.
I changed my pantyliner for Subuh prayers and after that, told Mr. Sunshine to get some sleep, just in case I had to go into labour soon.

As for me, I wasn’t experiencing any pain, just slight menstrual-like discomfort, but I was sweating out of nervousness, and I couldn’t go back to sleep ! I texted Lene to let her know what’s going on.

Then at around 0640 hours, I remember that I haven’t charged my camera’s battery. How to take photos of my baby ?? Haha. So of course, I put my camera battery to charge.

At 0730 hours, I went to the hospital, punched in for work and went straight to the maternity ward. The nurse did a vaginal exam (VE) on me, and told me I wasn’t dilated yet. “Baru buka sebesar tip of the finger.” was what she said. So I chose to go home first, and was given the day off by my boss. Mr. Sunshine is here with me, he took an emergency leave.

By the way, the VE was an unpleasant experience. Hehe.

So here I am, at home. I’ve told Daddy, mum in-law, and my best friends and they’re all praying for me. 🙂

Feeling pretty sleepy right now. I’ve noticed painless irregular contractions, but they could be Braxton Hicks. So I’m just gonna wait until my waterbag ruptures or when I get more frequent (and painful) contractions.
I could be like a fellow blogger, Dina, who had her bloody show last Saturday, yet still no sign of labour progressing until now.

I’m just praying, and waiting.
Pray for me ya ! 🙂

Ramadhan blessing: Celebrating 13 years of beautiful friendship with my best friend, Akhir. MashaAllah.


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